“I take pride in being able to simplify complex legal issues so clients can understand them. It's also important to quickly identify the relevant substantive issues and what are the potential, achievable and cost-effective solutions.”

Commercial, Advisory 
& Property

James Neilson, Consultant


Local Law Reviews, Commercial, Administrative and Property Law, Corporate Governance and Compulsory Acquisition


LLB.  Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland.  Solicitor of the High Court of Australia.


James joined King & Company in January 1999 after five years as a partner at a Brisbane-based commercial law firm.  James was a partner at King & Company between 1 July 2004 and 31 December 2024.  On 1 January 2025, James transitioned to the role of consultant. 

James provides advice and documentation to Council clients of the firm in various commercial transactions including:

  • property development and joint ventures;
  • local government contracts and tendering;
  • waste collection contracts and tendering;
  • intellectual property commercialisation, licensing and protection;
  • local government infrastructure development;
  • transaction structuring in corporate, partnership and incorporated association scenarios.

James was heavily involved in the Local Law review process undertaken in June 1999 and 2010, acting on behalf of the vast majority of amalgamated Councils throughout the State. James currently undertakes Local Law review projects on behalf of Council clients on a daily basis.

“I take pride in being able to simplify complex legal issues so clients can understand them. It's also important to quickly identify the relevant substantive issues and what are the potential, achievable and cost-effective solutions - to focus on the commercial realities of the situation. For example, what are the other considerations at play which may influence the outcome of a particular matter.”

“I’m always mindful that, in the local government sector, one of the primary considerations is achieving a desirable social outcome.”

James is also a mad keen cyclist, as in, almost every day.  He is not in the same class as Darius, and rides purely as a recreational pursuit.  His story is that it makes a world of difference to mental wellbeing. 

James holds a current practising certificate from the Queensland Law Society. 

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