Local Government Law
Industrial Relations & Human Resources
We have extensive exposure to this field of practice through our dealings with our local government clients and the LGAQ. This includes:
- successfully defending numerous claims for reinstatement for unfair dismissal;
- providing advice and Deeds of Release from Employment;
- successfully prosecuting an appeal against a decision of the QIRC ordering the reinstatement of an employee to a joint local government;
- defending civil proceedings seeking damages for unfair dismissal;
- settling numerous employment contracts for managers, SEOs and CEOs;
- assisting in terminating the employment of difficult employees and senior executives, including, on occasion, CEOs.
Most recently we successfully represented Logan City Council in its successful defence of a claim for reinstatement and damages made by its former CEO, Sharon Kelsey - Kelsey v Logan City Council & Ors.
We’re regularly called on to provide advice to our Local Government clients on the various types of disciplinary action to be applied to certain factual situations, including, recommendations for dismissal.
As well, our knowledge of anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation - Federal and State - is top notch. These laws have disproportionately impacted on local governments when compared with private sector employers and service providers.
We’ve also advised numerous Councils facing claims of alleged discrimination in employment or the provision of services, on the grounds of sex, race and disability. We’ve also successfully concluded several matters under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991. Advising on the application of workplace health and safety laws has also been a feature of our practice for many years.