Insurance &
Dispute Resolution


Increased use of social media has seen significant tension between principles of freedom of speech and protection of reputation.  Defamation law is a particularly complex area of the law, with multiple potential defences (each with its own idiosyncrasies) and the courts are slow to deal with advances in modern technology.  Our team have the knowledge and experience to guide you towards practical, cost-effective outcomes and, in appropriate cases, to litigate to achieve good outcomes in protection of our client’s interests. 

We have acted for both individual clients and local government and corporate staff members (for defamation against specific members of staff).  Although corporations cannot sue for defamation, it is important to consider the extent of workplace health and safety obligations to members of staff suffering damage to reputation for performing their duties.  We assist our local government and corporate clients negotiate the difficult balance between their obligations to staff and the cost of pursuing a claim for defamation. 

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